So, Neuro-physiotherapist deals with various neurological illnesses with the goal to achieve maximum possible functional Independence for an individual., Using the basic principles of –
1)Repetition, repetition & more repetition
2)Performing combination of various attentive & intentional movement patterns in different environment
3)Train an individual to achieve the goal ,by corrective or adaptive or maintainance treatment & movement streatagies.
So now let’s talk about how each of the above mentioned principles work?
1)Repetition, repetition & more repetition
Repetition is the mother of all learningWhen the neuronal pathways in brain are compromised due to any external injury(RTA-Road Traffic Accident,fall,head trauma,etc),or neurological illnesses (Stroke, Tumor, degenerative brain diseases, Parkinson’s,etc) the way we behave to anything right from holding a cup of tea in hand to walk ,alters to different extent depending on where,when & how much damage has occurred to the brain cells.
So after such an event to the brain cells all or some of the activities of daily life we might have to re-learn,modify, & do simple to complex things putting conscious effort to it. And as we all know even for a person with healthy brain a lot of practice can only make him do any function at automatic level,so here we are dealing with damaged neuronal pathways.
So repetition or more & more practice of a new learned movement is must & very very important for the faster recovery
2)Performing combination of various attentive & intentional movement patterns in different environment.
Often my patients asks me how come they perform better during the physiotherapy sessions but not at home or office.
And my answers to them comes with a simple question how much attention they could pay to themselves?
So we , Neuro-physiotherapist work in different environment (at home,at office,on the street,at crowded place)with the patients just to make them more attentive about themselves & perform the intentional movement., which in turn boost the patients moral & confidence.
3)Train an individual to achieve the goal ,by corrective or adaptive or maintainance treatment & movement streatagies.
Depending upon the area of injury few of the neurological defecits are correctible or sometimes if the defecits are not fully correctible then as a rehabilitation professional we teach our patients the modified ways by adaptive & maintenance treatment strategies , which varies greatly person to person.
So in summary Neuro-physiotherapist designs the individualized & personalized treatment protocol for each patients.
So,for anyone who is in need of neurophysiotherapy or any queries/ suggestions regarding the same feel free to contact –