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  • Shop No.5, New Furia Niwas, Khopat Rd, Thane west – 400601, Mumbai, India.
  • Mon to Fri 9:00am to 8:00pm

Hello everyone, this post is a continuation of my previous post regarding Stroke-A Brain Attack. This time, let’s see how and why the position of the affected arm, leg and body posture is important in order to help your recovery.

Position is resting or working (functional) attitude of arm/leg/neck/trunk (torso) and body as a whole. The way we keep our body posture has a direct effect on the length of soft tissues especially muscles and also amount of strain on the joints.

So we can say if we have a better posture/body position then we will have less post-stroke muscle stiffness, joint strain and pain, muscle imbalance and other obstacles in the path of recovery. Also, good posture promotes better control over balance, better Motor-Control of movements, better body awareness which in turn enhances post stroke recovery.


So how the position should be?
An individual having stroke has to be positioned in a way which gives minimal possible unnecessary strain on the joints plus encouraging the use/involvement of affected side more often throughout the day.,because majority of stroke survivors either ignores the use of affected arm & leg or they just neglect the entire affected side.

Few Examples of correct positioning of arm:

I am posting few tips which can encourage better body awareness /stimulation of stroke-affected side, making it work harder.To do this:

  • Arrange the furniture in the room so you have to turn your head toward your injured side for eye contact
  • Set up your bed in such a way that you get in and out of it with your affected arm and leg.
  • Place your table on your affected side for meals so you have to look past your area of vision problem.
  • Place your TV so you have to turn your affected side when watching
  • Tell visitors and medical caregivers to approach you from your affected side

This will help an individual to actively invole affected/weaker side in day to day activities.